COQUI MALACHOWS­KA COQUI works as a Ger­man-Polish plan­ning asso­cia­ti­on in the inter­sec­tion of archi­tec­tu­re and open space. In inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry plan­ning teams, eco­lo­gi­cal­ly, eco­no­mic­al­ly and soci­al­ly sus­tainable solu­ti­ons are our goal. We under­stand the pro­jects and buil­dings as cul­tu­ral con­tri­bu­ti­ons to our envi­ron­ment and socie­ty.


The essence of our design phi­lo­so­phy is based on the idea of desig­ning pro­jects not for their own glo­ry, but for the peo­p­le who will dwell and inter­act in the open spaces we design. By taking the approach of first put­ting the pro­ject into dia­lo­gue with its sur­roun­ding con­text and allo­wing it to unfold in that inter­ac­tion, we stri­ve to design open spaces that not only ser­ve their pur­po­se, but rai­se the qua­li­ty of life of tho­se who use them in a sub­stan­ti­al way. For us, sus­taina­bi­li­ty is not just a word, but an atti­tu­de that requi­res con­stant, sen­si­ti­ve con­side­ra­ti­on and com­plex plan­ning.


The pur­su­it of qua­li­ty of life and ful­fill­ment is at the core of our gui­ding prin­ci­ples and is roo­ted in the expres­si­on of com­pre­hen­si­ve and sus­tainable design. The key fac­tor is not only the moment of com­ple­ti­on, but espe­ci­al­ly the impact of the pro­ject over the cour­se of time. Doing it jus­ti­ce, we set in each pro­ject per­so­na­li­zed accents that are inten­ded to crea­te an increase in value. In addi­ti­on to social sus­taina­bi­li­ty, we also see natu­re and cul­tu­re as part­ners in our work. We see it as our respon­si­bi­li­ty to pre­cis­e­ly defi­ne the indi­vi­du­al role as well as the rela­ti­onship bet­ween natu­re and cul­tu­re in each pro­ject.


In the office


The gui­ding idea of our team­work in the land­scape archi­tec­tu­re office includes coll­ec­ti­ve crea­ti­on. We do not act alo­ne, but see our­sel­ves as part of an over­all struc­tu­re in which we share a pen with the cli­ent, plan­ning part­ners and respon­si­ble agen­ci­es. This sym­bio­tic dyna­mic enables us to work tog­e­ther, to com­bi­ne our exper­ti­se and thus to achie­ve coher­ent results. Our dai­ly office life is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by dis­cur­si­ve and equal pro­ces­ses. The deve­lo­p­ment of ide­as, the exch­an­ge of opi­ni­ons and the strugg­le for the best solu­ti­ons are essen­ti­al ele­ments of our dai­ly work. A non-hier­ar­chi­cal dis­tri­bu­ti­on of dis­cur­si­ve power makes it pos­si­ble to exploit crea­ti­ve poten­ti­al and deve­lop mul­ti-laye­red approa­ches.

Agnieszka Adamiec

Joerg Coqui

Marta Falbogowska

Emilian Kalkandzhiev

Immanuel Kasper

Izabela Malachowska-Coqui

Ellen Scharf


Jose Are­n­ci­bia | Marie Bal­le | Bar­tek Banach | Zuzan­na Bart­mann | Rapha­el Bau­mann | Dri­ni Bera­ti | Jose Bigott Lopez | Caro­li­ne Boit­te | Katar­zy­na Chro­mińs­ka | Ste­fan Cich­osz | Sophie Coqui | Duy­gu Demir | Mar­ta Dobrzańs­ka | Jen­ni­fer Döring | Domi­ni­ka Droz­dows­ka | Tai­na Dyck­hoff | Ula Elz­ne­ro­wicz | Jan Fąfer­ko | Mar­ta Fal­bo­gows­ka | Tho­mas Fraed­rich | Mał­gorza­ta Fur­tas | Mag­da­le­na Gło­wa­cka-Giroux | Ela Grud­ziews­ka-Klick | Vio­la Hell­wag | Mał­gorza­ta Hen­drix | Rabea Hes­se | Mari­us Hüb­ner | Yvette Jagod­ka | Ralf Kam­mey­er | Yuli­ya Kavun | Sebas­ti­an Koch | Jakub Kor­fan­ty | Andrea Lech­te | Qi Liu | Miłosz Lisiecki | Alfon­so Loza­no | Pau­li­na Lukars­ka | Stef­fen Lux | Dana Mat­schek | Ewa Maty­je­wicz | Syl­wia Mazu­rek | Jas­mi­na McKen­na | Mał­gorza­ta Młyńs­ka | Mar­ta Migaj | Ama­lia Miran­da | Maria Moussong | Anja Mül­ler | Arash Naja­fi­da­sh­t­a­peh | Marek Ory­wał | Nata­lia Pahu­ta | Mał­gorza­ta Pawło­wicz | Mah­sa Pei­gan | Anna Rem­blews­ka | Ines Roth | Alex­an­der Rothert | Ludo­vica Rum­e­ni | Moni­ka Ser­a­fin | Katar­zy­na Siko­ra | Yana Simit­chiys­ka | Mag­da Sitek | Piotr Sosiń­ski | Luka­sz Spra­da | Nata­lia Stańc­zyk | Kat­rin Staiger | Mathä­us Steu­rer | Han­na Szu­mi­las | Michał Wasi­le­wicz | Hele­na Wil­son | Bar­to­sz Wojciech­ow­ski | Joan­na Woj­to­wicz | Gabi Zim­mer


Nau­ki Koper­nik Sci­ence Cen­ter recei­ves cer­ti­fi­ca­te for the best tou­rist attrac­tion in the rea­ders’ ran­king of the / Dzieckowpodróż por­tal, 2020

Qua­li­täts­zer­ti­fi­kat von den Nut­zern des Por­tals TRI­P­AD­VI­SOR für Wis­sen­schafts­zen­trum Koper­ni­kus, 2015

Wehr­hahn­cen­ter Düs­sel­dorf in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with O&O nomi­na­ted for Archi­tec­tu­re Pri­ze of the City of Düs­sel­dorf 2020

INTER­NA­TIO­NAL PRO­PER­TY AWARD für EDGE HOUSE mit Gar­den Rooms Best Archi­tec­tu­re Sin­gle Resi­dence Pol­and, 2014

Deutsch-Pol­ni­scher Selbst­ver­wal­tungs­preis 2009 für Frankfurt/Oder und Slu­bice, Preis der Stif­tung für Deutsch-Pol­ni­sche Zusam­men­ar­beit. Wür­di­gung der Zusam­men­ar­beit bei­der Städ­te, vor allem im Kon­text der von ihr geför­der­ten Zukunfts­kon­fe­renz im Juni des Jah­res.

Edge House nomi­na­ted for the Mies van der Rohe Pri­ze, 2015


Crea­ted in Pol­and Super­brands Cen­trum Nau­ki Koper­nik erhält den Titel als einer der stärks­ten „Mar­ken“ auf dem pol­ni­schen Markt 2013/14 (Kate­go­rie Frei­zeit) und 2014/15

DAM PREIS FÜR ARCHI­TEK­TUR IN DEUTSCH­LAND 2012, in dem die 22 bes­ten Bau­ten in/aus Deutsch­land 2012/13 aus­ge­zeich­net wer­den für Metro­pol Para­sol

Preis der Bewe­gung „Schö­ne­res Polen“ für das Wis­sen­schafts­zen­trum Koper­ni­kus 2013

AIT Award 2012 glo­bal Award for the very best in Inte­ri­or and Archi­tec­tu­re (Cate­go­ry Public Buil­ding) für Metro­pol Para­sol

Wis­sen­schafts­zen­trum Koper­ni­kus nomi­niert für den Preis des Radio Tok FM, 2011

Titel „Gebäu­de des Jah­res 2010“ vom Minis­te­ri­um für Bau und Bau­auf­sicht, 2010

Preis Qua­drans Qul­tu­ry 2010 — ein Vier­tel Kul­tur 2010 TVP INFO Preis für das Wis­sen­schafts­zen­trum Koper­ni­kus als inte­re­r­es­san­tes­tes Kul­tur­er­eig­nis des Jah­res 2010

Die deutsch-pol­ni­sche „Euro­päi­sche wirt­schaft­li­che Aus­zeich­nung IGOB Inter­es­sen­ge­mein­schaft Eisen­bahn Ber­lin-Gor­zów EWIV“ (mit Coqui Malachows­ka Coqui als koope­ra­ti­vem Mit­glied) erhält unter 2000 Bewer­bern die Aus­zeich­nung zu der EWIV des Jah­res 2008

Aus­zei­chung des Cen­trum Nau­ki Koper­nik vom Minis­te­ri­um für Ent­wick­lung und infra­struk­tur als bei­spiel­ge­ben­des Objekt, das im Kon­text mit sei­ner Umge­bung steht, 2014

URBAN INTER­VEN­TI­ON AWARD für Metro­pol Para­sol, 2013

Fina­list des Mies van der Rohe Award 2013, Nomi­nie­rung für Metro­pol Para­sol

Wis­sen­schafts­zen­trum Koper­ni­kus erhält den Preis als bes­tes Tou­ris­mus-Pro­dukt der Woje­wod­schaft Maso­wi­en, 201

Red­dot Award 2012, win­ner best of the best for Metro­pol Para­sol

Eröff­nung des Wis­sen­schafts­zen­trum Koper­ni­kus Pol­ni­scher Unter­neh­mer­preis in der Kate­go­rie „Еreig­nis des Jah­res“ und „Вes­te Initia­ti­ve des Jah­res“, 2011

Inter­es­san­tes­tes Gebäu­de in der Kate­go­rie Kul­tur und Wis­sen­schaft in der Volks­ab­stim­mung Pol­ni­sche Archi­tek­tur 2050 , 2011

Preis des Radio­sen­ders RMF FM MocArt in der Kate­go­rie „Ereig­nis des Jah­res“, 2010

Glo­bal Hol­cim Award Sus­tainable Deve­lo­p­ment, (400 Bewer­ber) Bron­ze für Metro­pol Para­sol Pla­za de encar­na­ci­on — Sevil­la, Inter­na­tio­na­ler Ideen­wett­be­werb mit Jür­gen May­er H., 2005

Cen­trum Nau­ki Koper­nik nomi­niert für den Titel „Bes­te Qua­li­tät 2014“ Qua­li­ty Inter­na­tio­nal QI 2014

Kul­tur- und Krea­tiv­pi­lo­ten Deutsch­lands Das Pro­jekt COM­FORT­ZO­NE von COQUI MALACHOWS­KA COQUI mit Mathi­as Knig­ge unter 565 Ein­gän­gen zu den Aus­wahl­ge­sprä­chen der Bes­ten ein­ge­la­den., 2013

Nomi­nie­rung Cen­trum Nau­ki Koper­nik für den Mies van der Rohe Award 2013

Son­der­preis Zycie w Archi­tek­tur­ze VII als bes­ter Kul­tur­bau Polens 2000–2012 , Preis des Minis­te­ri­ums für Kul­tur und Natio­na­les Erbe für das Wis­sen­schafts­zen­trum Koper­ni­kus, 2012

Wett­be­werb „Polen wird schö­ner“ für das Wis­sen­schafts­zen­trum Koper­ni­kus, 2011

Preis für den Park der Ent­de­cker in öffent­li­cher Abstim­mung Preis der Zeit­schrift Archi­tek­tu­ra in der Kate­go­rie Öffent­li­cher Raum“

Вes­tes städ­ti­sches Pro­jekt, Wis­sen­schafts­zen­trum Koper­ni­kus Preis­trä­ger des Prei­ses der Monats­zeit­schrift Еuro­build – Construction&Property, 2010


The ran­ge of offices includes:

  • Pro­per­ty plan­ning for out­door faci­li­ties (accor­ding to the ser­vice pro­fi­le of the fee regu­la­ti­ons for archi­tects and engi­neers HOAI §15, pha­ses 1–9, e.g. gar­den, park, city squa­re)
  • Green space plan­ning (accor­ding to the HOAI ser­vice pro­fi­le §46)
  • Plan­ning and advice on the main­ten­an­ce, deve­lo­p­ment and res­to­ra­ti­on of gar­dens and green spaces
  • Plan­ning and advice for open spaces as part of urban deve­lo­p­ment or archi­tec­tu­re com­pe­ti­ti­ons
  • Work­shop dis­cus­sions, lec­tures and jury mee­tings
  • App­rai­se
  • Tea­ching and rese­arch acti­vi­ties

The main focu­ses are:

  • Out­door are­as of cul­tu­ral and edu­ca­tio­nal buil­dings
  • Out­door are­as of lei­su­re and recrea­tio­nal faci­li­ties
  • Con­cepts for public spaces
  • Urban plan­ning

Other are­as of respon­si­bi­li­ty:

  • Pro­ject initia­ti­on
  • Con­fe­ren­ces
  • Events (work­shops)
  • Mode­ra­ti­on
  • Inter­na­tio­nal coor­di­na­ti­on

Agnieszka Adamiec

Mgr. in Landscape Architecture, Mgr. in Business Administration

“It's not the buildings, it's the spaces between the buildings that are important.”
-Zaha Hadid

Master's theses (landscape architecture and business administration)

Since 2018
Collaboration with COQUI MALACHOWSKA COQUI Urban Design Landscape Architecture

Studied landscape architecture at the University of Natural Sciences in Warsaw (SGGW), the University of Kassel and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna

Studied Finance and Accounting at the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH)

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Joerg Coqui

Dipl. Ing Landscape Architect

„Ein kurzer aussagender Spruch, ein Zitat sinceer Satz über dich sinceer deinen Bezug zu Landschaftsarchitektur“

25th project with O&O Baukunst

since 2011
Expert for the development of the Assessment System for Sustainable Building (BNB) for outdoor facilities on federal properties

since 2011
Member of the Förderkreis Bundesstiftung für Baukultur (Federal Foundation for Building Culture)

Development of the part-time Master's program "Planning and Building in Existing Contexts" FH Biberach, guest lecturer

Lecturer in landscape architecture at the Potsdam School of Architecture

9th International Venice Architecture Biennale, representative for Poland

1st Biennale of Landscape Architecture in Barcelona, representative for Poland

Partner at COQUI MALACHOWSKA COQUI Urban Planning Landscape Architecture

Project manager, from 1998 office manager with Prof. Stefan Tische

Project manager in the landscape architecture offices of Prof. Heike Langenbach, Dieter Schrickel, Ariane Röntz,

Studied landscape architecture at the FH Weihenstephan and Silesian Technical University, Gliwice

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Marta Falbogowska

Cand. B. Sc. Landscape Architecture

„I am an architecture student starting my adventure in landscape architecture.“

Since 2023
Collaboration with COQUI MALACHOWSKA COQUI Urban Design Landscape Architecture

Since 2020
Studied architecture at the Poznan University of Technology

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Emilian Kalkandzhiev

B. Sc. Landscape Architecture
Cand. M. Sc. Historical Building Research and Preservation

„Space and light and order. These are the things you need as much as bread or a place to sleep“ Le Corbusier

Since 2024
Master's degree in Historical Building Research and Preservation at TU Berlin

Since 2023
Collaboration with COQUI MALACHOWSKA COQUI Urban Design Landscape Architecture

Student assistant at the landscaping company "JoMi" Berlin

Recognition of the subject area "Landscape Architecture Design" Prof. Weidinger TU Berlin WiSe22/23

Studied landscape architecture at TU Berlin

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Immanuel Kasper

B.A. Architecture and urban design

„It gives me great pleasure to be able to help plan liveable spaces for people and nature at different scales, whether in urban planning design or in the concrete design of outdoor facilities.“

Since 2021
Studying sociology in the field of technical sciences with a minor in urban and regional planning at TU Berlin (B.A.)

Since 2020
Collaboration with COQUI MALACHOWSKA COQUI Urban Design Landscape Architecture

Studied architecture and urban planning at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences (B.A.)

Studied architecture at the TH Lübeck

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Izabela Malachowska-Coqui

Dipl. Ing. Landscape Architect

I. Malachowska-Coqui Jury chair in the international urban design competition for the area around Szyca Stadium, Poznan

nominated as one of the most influential people in Polish architecture and its marketing in the last 25 years

seit 2018
Member of the Immofrauen network

seit 2016
Co-initiator of the German-Polish Gardens in Skaryszewski Park in Warsaw

seit 2013
Initiator and organizer of the WARSAW ARCHITECTURAL TALKS

seit 2005
Member of the Young Polish International Network (YPIN)

9th International Venice Architecture Biennale, representative for Poland

seit 2002
Partner at COQUI MALACHOWSKA COQUI Urban Design Landscape Architecture

1st Biennale of Landscape Architecture in Barcelona, representative for Poland

Project manager at the landscape architecture office of Prof. J. Peters

1993 – 2002
Self-employed in Warsaw and Berlin

Diploma in Landscape Architecture, SGGW (Warsaw)

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Ellen Scharf

Cand. M. Sc. Landscape Architecture

„I love the interplay between nature and the city. Sustainable solutions must be found so that this can be preserved for a long time to come. I would like to contribute to this.“

Since 2021
Master's degree in Landscape Architecture at the TU Berlin

Since 2020
Collaboration with COQUI MALACHOWSKA COQUI Urban Design Landscape Architecture

Student assistant at the Cassens and Siewert planning group

Bachelor's degree in landscape architecture at the Technical University of Berlin

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