

Park of Explo­rers, Coper­ni­cus Sci­ence Cen­ter

Loca­ti­on: War­saw, Pol­and
: City of War­saw
Year: 2010
Ser­vice pha­ses: Pre­pa­ra­ti­on and Brief, Con­cept Design, Deve­lo­ped Design (HOAI 1–4)
Area: 41.000 m²
Con­s­truc­tion cos­ts: 2.5 Mio. €
Archi­tec­tu­re: Rar2 Jan Kubec, Mag­da­le­na Łukas­ik and Anna Małek, Michał Toma­nek, Zbysz­ko Buj­nie­wicz
Awards: ‘Buil­ding of the Year’ by the Minis­try of Con­s­truc­tion and Con­s­truc­tion Super­vi­si­on (2010), Вest urban pro­ject: award by Еuro­build — Construction&Property maga­zi­ne (2010), Qua­drans Qul­tu­ry — a quar­ter of cul­tu­re 2010 TVP INFO: Award for the Most Inte­res­t­ing Cul­tu­ral Event of the Year (2010), RMF FM MocArt radio sta­ti­on award in the ‘Event of the Year’ cate­go­ry (2010), Archi­tek­tu­ra maga­zi­ne award in the ‘Public Space’ cate­go­ry in public vote (2011), Most Inte­res­t­ing Buil­ding in the ‘Cul­tu­re and Sci­ence’ cate­go­ry in the Polish Archi­tec­tu­re 2050 public vote (2011), ‘Pol­and Beco­mes More Beau­tiful’ com­pe­ti­ti­on, ‘Tou­rist Objects’ cate­go­ry (2011), For the Ope­ning: Polish Enter­pri­se Award in the cate­go­ry ‘Еvent of the Year’ and ‘Вest Initia­ti­ve of the Year’ (2011), Pri­ze of Radio Tok FM: nomi­na­ti­on (2011), Spe­cial Pri­ze Zycie w Archi­tek­tur­ze VII as the best cul­tu­ral buil­ding in Pol­and 2000–2012: Pri­ze of the Minis­try of Cul­tu­re and Natio­nal Heri­ta­ge (2012), Mies van der Rohe Award: Nomi­na­ti­on (2013), ‘More Beau­tiful Pol­and’ Move­ment Award (2013), Best Tou­rism Pro­duct of the Mazo­vi­an Voi­vo­de­ship Award (2013), Award from the Minis­try of Deve­lo­p­ment and Infra­struc­tu­re as an exem­pla­ry object in the con­text of its sur­roun­dings (2014), Qua­li­ty Inter­na­tio­nal QI: Nomi­na­ti­on (2014), Cer­ti­fi­ca­te of Qua­li­ty from the users of the TRI­P­AD­VI­SOR por­tal (2015), ‘Crea­ted in Pol­and’ Super­brands: title as one of the stron­gest ‘brands’ on the Polish mar­ket in 2013/14 (lei­su­re cate­go­ry) and 2014/15, Cer­ti­fi­ca­te for the best tou­rist attrac­tion in the ran­king of the rea­ders of the Dzieckowpodróż (2020)


As the first faci­li­ty, archi­tec­tu­re and land­scape archi­tec­tu­re take on the task of set­ting stan­dards. In the exte­ri­or space, this means defi­ning the canon of design ele­ments (such as the edge of the river bank, the lower Vis­tu­la ter­race, the Vis­tu­la slo­pe, the Vis­tu­la pro­me­na­de, the park of the upper Vis­tu­la ter­race, the bou­le­vard Wybre­ze Kosci­usz­kow­skie) in such a way that it pro­ves sus­tainable and deve­lo­pa­ble in the future, from the cita­del in the north of the city to Ujaz­dow­ski Park in the south.


The importance of the site and the timing of the over­all con­cept for the Vis­tu­la embank­ment requi­re a spe­cial stra­tegy, which con­sists of two core com­pon­ents:

(1) Adap­ta­bi­li­ty

(2) The deve­lo­p­ment of a faci­li­ty, which on the one hand car­ri­es the abili­ty to initi­al­ly play as the sole acti­va­tor at this loca­ti­on on the Vis­tu­la bank, but on the other hand has the inte­gra­ti­on power to later find its pur­po­se as one of seve­ral acti­va­tors on the Vis­tu­la bank.

(3) Exem­pla­ry cha­rac­ter

(4) Loca­ted in front of the sil­hou­et­te of the Old Town from the east, the buil­ding and its exte­ri­or open up a new era of urban deve­lo­p­ment. This is the deve­lo­p­ment of the Vis­tu­la for the city and its inha­bi­tants.

© Marek Mazur­kie­wicz

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© Marek Mazur­kie­wicz


© Mate­usz Baj


© PAP/Grzegorz Jaku­bow­ski


© PAP/Grzegorz Jaku­bow­ski


© PAP/Grzegorz Jaku­bow­ski
