After more than two years of work on the development of pilot strategies for the promotion of green roofs, a summary and presentation of the project results was conducted. This project has contributed to the development of documents that combine in an innovative way the objectives of sustainable urban development with climate policy objectives, such as adaptation to climate change and climate change action. On December 11, 2020, the final conference of the GRAD project was held: Green Roofs as a Tool for Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Areas gathered a number of people interested in a holistic approach to the development of green roofs in cities.
Within the bounds of the GRAD- Strategy of Green Roofs project, representatives of 8 pilot cities undertook a study tour to Hamburg on June 5 and 6, 2019. During this trip, they learned more about the development of the city’s green roof strategy, observed how it is changing the urban landscape, and visited fascinating objects with green roofs and vivid walls. These are becoming more numerous every year — the city of Hamburg’s goal is to cover urban areas of up to 100 hectares with vegetation. New green roofs are being built on both public and private buildings — residential and commercial — and a significant number of them are open to the public.
The conference “Water City — Water as an Asset” addresses the increasing importance of rainwater as a valuable resource in cities in the face of heavy rainfall and drought. Flooding and prolonged dry periods are increasingly problematic in European cities. In Poland, frequent rainfall causes millions of dollars in damage, while aridity puts a strain on green spaces and residents’ health.
Historically, rivers were considered a blessing, and cities were planned with water in mind. In Germany, “water-sensitive urban development” incorporates efficient water resource management into planning to make cities more resilient to climate change. The conference will discuss measures such as rainwater storage via green roofs, reducing sealed surfaces and restoring watercourses. The objective is to raise awareness among city officials and residents to adopt a water-sensitive mindset.
Location: SARP ul. Foksal 2 Warszawa
Date: 26.10.2018
The “GRAD” project aimed to adapt the experience of the City of Hamburg in developing green roof strategies since 2014 to an exemplary strategy structure to Polish conditions. In cooperation with the City of Hamburg and eight Polish pilot cities (Bielsko-Biała, Bydgoszcz, Gdynia, Kalisz, Kraków, Lublin, Warszawa and Wrocław), the Stowarzyszenie Gmin Polska Sieć “Energie Cités” implemented the project from 2018 to 2020. The conference covered topics such as water retention, green roofs, strategy and stormwater management. The aim of the project was to promote green roofs and facades as a means of climate adaptation in urban areas, using the experience of Hamburg. Individual strategies for the mentioned Polish cities were developed to support the promotion and implementation of green roof projects. The publication provides details on various aspects such as types, benefits and costs of green roofs, as well as on the development of individual targets and measures to promote and support green roof projects in Polish cities.
The conference is dedicated to the topic of urban development from different perspectives. The aspects of master plans, design guidelines and standards in urban planning will be discussed, including the revitalization of a former military area for a new residential district in Ulm by architect Joerg Th. Coqui. The collaboration between cities and private investors known as “URBAN AGREEMENTS” will be highlighted, including the tallest “green” residential high-rise, Donau Flats in Vienna, and investor commitments, presented by Jasmin Soravia, CEO of SoReal GmbH. Also discussed will be investments in urban projects and the role of architectural competitions in designing optimal buildings, with examples including a German architectural competition and the open call competition for Rynek Łazarski in Poznań, presented by architect Peter Achatzi and initiator architect Dawid Strebicki.
Date: 20.11.2017
Venue: Zamoyski Palace — Association of Polish Architects (SARP), Foksal Street 2 in Warsaw.
Number of participants: 200
Following the adoption of a new urban redevelopment law in Poland in winter 2015, future projects are expected to reach a new dimension. Previous urban redevelopment projects in Poland often had to do only with redevelopment and did not always achieve the hoped-for revitalization of the city districts. Lodz, Bytom and Walbrzych were selected as model project cities. The conference discussed the first experiences of these projects and compared them with German urban redevelopment concepts and already realized projects in order to analyze the different starting situations and processes. The goals of the meeting included defining concepts and processes, emphasizing interdisciplinarity, stimulating participation of different stakeholders and sharing knowledge about problems and risks of urban redevelopment projects. Presentations were given by: Manfred Kühne (Head of Department Senate Department for Urban Development and Environment, Berlin), Jacek Grunt-Mejer (Coordinator of the Program of Revitalization in Warsaw), Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Göbel-Groß, Urban Designer, Hanna Gill — (Piątek, Department of Revitalization, Łódź), Till Rehwaldt (Rehwaldt Landscape Architects).
As part of the Festival of Gardens, on September 10 at 3:30 p.m. we invite you to the grand opening of the plant installation “Gardens on the Steps” at the National Museum in Warsaw. Plant installations on staccato-like platforms scattered on the steps of the monumental courtyard space of the National Museum are the “Green WOW!” of the Garden Festival.
“Gardens on the steps” for a while become a place of close encounters, a “green” island of backstage conversations after visiting exhibitions or before entering the museum. Who will notice the lack of water in the pool? We will plant the garden together! The celebration will be enhanced by a violin performance by Marzena Hodyr and Szymon Telecki. During the opening, we invite you to enjoy conversation over a glass of wine, as well as a walk through the museum’s collections on the topic: “How much GREEN is in GREEN?”.
The conference addressed the current situation of sustainability in cities. With global environmental impacts mainly due to cities, the question arises how we can create a stable and humane environment for urban residents. This is becoming increasingly important in light of ongoing demographic change and the “renaissance of cities.” Special attention will be given to the potential of green and open spaces in cities, which can provide not only environmental but also economic benefits. Speakers included: Dr.-Ing. Jan Kamiński (Chairman of the Council for Spatial Culture at the Mayor of Lublin), Landscape Architect Klaus Hoppe (Director of Horticulture Hamburg), Landscape Architect Lorenz Dexler (TOPOTEK1), Andrea Gerischer (Project Manager IGA Berlin 2017), — Architect Dr. Peter Apel (Planungsbüro STADTKINDER).
Date: June 10, 2016
Place: Zamoyski Palace — Association of Polish Architects (SARP), Foksal Street 2 in Warsaw.
Number of participants: 100
The 5th Warsaw Architecture Talks focused on the topic of Innovative Housing and highlighted the experiences of the IBA Hamburg as well as the housing project “Nowe Żerniki” in Wroclaw. Forward-looking approaches to housing construction were discussed, including low-cost construction, intelligent building materials and flexible residential architecture. The event offered insights into IBA Hamburg’s concepts regarding low-cost construction, energy-smart facades and adaptable houses. At the same time, the residential project “Nowe Żerniki” was presented, a sustainable neighborhood in Wroclaw that aims for a high quality of life and a variety of uses. Presenters included: Ewa Malinowska-Grupińska (City Council President City of Warsaw), Uli Hellweg (Managing Director IBA Hamburg), Piotr Fokczyński, (City Architect of Wroclaw) and Arch. Michael Ziller (zillerplus architects).
Date: 16.11.2015 (Monday).
Venue: Zamoyski Palace — Association of Polish Architects (SARP), Foksal Street 2 in Warsaw.
Number of participants: 110
The fourth session of the Warsaw Architecture Talks focused on the Polish rental housing market and the introduction of a rental housing fund by the Polish government. It was discussed how affordable and high quality architecture can be realized in rental housing and which social and architectural aspects are important. The importance of socially mixed neighborhoods and the role of urban gardens in urban development were also addressed. SARP Oddział Warszawski was a partner of the event, supported by Fundacja Współpracy Polsko-Niemieckiej, PUCZYŃSKI — mała architektura and RINN. ARCHITEKTURA-MURATOR acted as a media partner. The speakers at this conference were Andrzej Klimczuk (sociologist, Warsaw), Tomasz Fudala (Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej, Warsaw), Rainer Hofmann (bogevischs buero, Munich), Susanne Schnorbusch (architect, Berlin), Dr. Michael Ludwig (City Councillor for Housing, Housing Construction and Urban Renewal, Vienna) and Christoph Roedig (roedig. schop architekten, Berlin).
Venue: Pavilion SARP (Association of Polish Architects), ul. Foksal 2, Warsaw
Number of participants: 110
Date: 28.11.2014
The third conference of the Warsaw Architecture Talks deals with demographic change and its impact on urban development. The focus is on new housing models for older people and architectural adaptation to their needs. European examples serve as inspiration. A field trip to senior living at the Alzheimer’s Center in Warsaw will be supported by Director Jarosław Gnioska and architect Miłosz Romanczuk (Kulczyński Architects). Renowned speakers, including architect Jörg Pötting, landscape architect Joerg Th. Coqui, managing director Krzysztof Lasoń, managing director
Jadwiga Dąbrowska and architect Dan Schürch will shed light on the topic. The conference is supported by SARP Oddział Warszawski and accompanied by PUCZYŃSKI — mała architektura, POZBRUK, CERMAG and ARCHITEKTURA-MURATOR.
Venue: German Embassy in Warsaw
Number of participants: 110
Date: 13.06.2014
Concept, content preparation, organization and moderation of the international conference within the Warsaw Architecture Talks and organization of the excursion on the topic of NEW LIVING QUARTERS IN WARSAW — “19 Dzielnica” with kind support Marcin Citko from JEMS Architekci.
Rafal Schurma (President, Polish Green Building Council)
Markus Penell (Managing Partner, O&O Baukunst)
Guest Prof. Nicole Pfoser (Architect, Master of Landscape Architecture, HfWU Nürtingen) Thomas Fabian (Deputy Director, City Planning Office, City of Freiburg im Breisgau) Zbigniew Macków (Macków Pracownia Projektowa, coordinator of the project)
Organizer: COQUI MALACHOWSKA COQUI Urban Planning Landscape Architecture, Foundation of Architects (Fundacja Twórców Architektury)
Support: German Embassy, Foundation of German-Polish Cooperation
Venue: German Embassy in Warsaw
Number of participants: 110
Date: 29.11.2013
In Europe, large housing developments have been evolving for decades. Strategies vary by time and place: from building insulation to living environment improvements to urban redevelopment programs. Yet these measures have not always led to the prevention of resident displacement and demolitions. After 2000, increased reflection followed, also after subsidy programs. Are there similar processes in Poland or is the structure different there?
Germany offers positive experiences and recognized mistakes in modernization concepts that are instructive in dealing with the structural heritage of large housing estates.
Poland is home to the largest proportion of European residents of large housing estates. After energy-efficient refurbishment, further steps need to be taken. But which ones? What will develop sustainably in large housing estates in 10, 20 or 30 years?
Best strategies and procedures as well as differences and comparabilities between countries are of interest. Which developments can be implemented in the Polish market? What can the West learn from Poland?
In cooperation with the local administration and the Schlossstraße management, we conducted workshops to develop the concept for the public space in the Schlossstraße neighborhood. The preparation for the participation in the federal competition “Entente Florale” included measures for environmental protection and nature conservation in populated areas, increasing the attractiveness of the residential and living environment, promoting trade and commerce through diverse and lively city centers as well as civic engagement and increasing the attractiveness for tourists.
In the period from May to September 2011, a total of 60 projects were developed, including construction measures, civic engagement, educational events and public events that created partner collaborations. The realization of these projects covered the period from March to October 2012, as well as repeatedly in future years.
Within the framework of the II Regional Conference of EWE in the Lubusz region, which deals with “Energy Efficiency Solutions for Private Households”, our office participated in the “Workshop EWE” in October 2011. In cooperation with the client EWE energia sp. z o.o. and the Young Polish International Network (YPIN) we conducted expert presentations on “Green Architecture”. In Zielona Góra, Poland, we gave presentations on various key topics. These included the challenges of urban densification, effective stormwater management methods, and energy conservation strategies. We also shed light on the concept of the “Plus Energy House,” where buildings produce energy instead of just consuming it. During the workshop, we shared international experiences and transferred findings to the Polish context. We emphasized potentials and solutions for energy efficiency and focused on realistic approaches.
In 2008, together with our office in Warsaw, we initiated an international symposium with the theme “Public Space — Barcelona, Seville, Lyon, Kraków, Warszawa — Strategies for an European City”. The main objective of the event was to discuss strategies and concepts for the design of public space in European cities. For this purpose, experiences and examples from different cities, including Barcelona, Seville, Lyon, Kraków and Warsaw, were presented and analyzed.
The symposium attracted about 150 participants and was held in cooperation with Politechnika Warszawska and IFBau Stuttgart to provide a broad perspective and interdisciplinary exchange. A field trip on “Public Space in Warsaw” was also organized as part of the symposium to provide participants with practical insights into innovative spatial design projects.The 2008 symposium created a platform for professional dialogue and knowledge exchange, providing new impetus for the further development of public space in Warsaw and other European cities.
In 2006 the office was intensively involved in the design and implementation of a pioneering project for tourism development and economic regeneration in rural areas. The work began with the initiation of a series of workshops, consisting of 8 workshops, which involved both the administration and the residents of five municipalities in the region of the Great River Landscape in the borderland — Cybinka, Słubice, Górzyca, Słońsk and Witnica. In parallel, the office supported the establishment of the ROZWÓJ REGIONU WIELKICH RZEK ZIEMI LUBUSKIEJ Foundation, of which Izabela Malachowska-Coqui has been a board member since 2006. Through successful applications, the project received a total of 965,000 euros in funding from the Leader+ program. Cooperation with the municipality of Górzyca and its committed mayor Robert Stolarski played a key role in the success of this ambitious project. A total of 50 participants took part in the workshop series, whose enthusiasm and commitment made a valuable contribution to the positive development of the region.
In 2005, the “Gardens of Urban Redevelopment” project brought a breath of fresh air to Leipzig-Grünau. A highlight of this project was the “Wertstoffgarten” — a one-week workshop, which we conducted in cooperation with cet‑0 and Susanne Schnorbusch and about 20 residents of Brackestraße 50 on the plot. Our focus was on the creative use of forgotten materials from the deconstruction of prefabricated buildings. Each element had the potential to have its own theme or alternative use. A platform of recycled slats served as a stage for the transformation of these materials. Here, art was created from raw materials, and the mini-workshop pulsed with creativity. We created the possibility of transforming the temporary character of the “recyclables garden” into a permanent use if there was interest. Materials and equipment could be given to users for their ideas. The results of the workshop were presented in an exhibition. Selected forms were transformed in real time on site during the workshop, which could be experienced as a performance. These transformed forms were eventually integrated as design elements in the gardens and open spaces of the residential landscape to promote sustainable change.
The office for landscape architecture Coqui Malachowska Coqui carried out successful lobbying for the IBA project “Park and Cultural Pavilion of the Theater Island” in Gubin/Guben from IV to IX 2004. The work included a business trip with Dr. Manfred Stolpe to acquire national funding, during which the project was presented to ministers. In addition, the office prepared an expertise on funding opportunities, including EU and national funding research as well as networking. A Marshall Conference was prepared, organized and moderated in cooperation with the city of Gubin and the mayor’s office to attract further national funding. Finally, the office represented the project at the IX International Architecture Biennale in Venice, providing content preparation, organization and project exhibition, supported by Zacheta — Narodowa Galeria Sztuki and the Gubin Mayor’s Office. Thanks to this extensive lobbying, the IBA project “Park and Cultural Pavilion of the Theater Island” in Gubin/Guben was successfully advanced and received the necessary support for realization.
In 2004 we as an office had the honor to represent Poland at the ninth International Architecture Biennale in Venice. Our project “Park and Cultural Pavilion, Theater Island in Gubin” was presented during the event. In cooperation with Jürgen Mayer H. we created the concept for the project in the form of a film and a model. This representation embodied the connection of architecture and nature as well as the creative vision.