

Rede­sign of the Pla­za de la Encar­na­ci­on in Seville

Loca­ti­on: Seville, Spain
Cli­ent: Ayun­ta­mi­en­to de Sevil­la and SACYR
Com­pe­ti­ti­on: 1st Pri­ze — open, inter­na­tio­nal com­pe­ti­ti­on. CMC invol­ved from 2nd pha­se (10 par­ti­ci­pan­ts).
Year: Com­pe­ti­ti­on 2004, Com­ple­ti­on 2011
Ser­vice Pha­ses: Pre­pa­ra­ti­on / Brief, Con­cept Design (HOAI 1–2)
Area: ca. 15.000 m²
Con­s­truc­tion cos­ts: approx. 3.2 Mio. €
Archi­tec­tu­re: Jür­gen May­er H. Archi­tek­ten
Awards: Glo­bal Hol­cim Award for Sus­tainable Deve­lo­p­ment: Bron­ze (2005), Wall­pa­per Design Award: Nomi­na­ted (2007), Red Dot Design Award: Best of the Best (2012), DAM Preis für Archi­tek­tur: Award as one of the 22 best buil­dings in /from Ger­ma­ny (2012/13), Mies van der Rohe Award: Nominated/Finalist (2013), Urban Inter­ven­ti­on Award: Nomi­na­ted, cate­go­ry “Built” (2013), Civic Trust Award (2014)

The squa­re area its­elf is deli­bera­te­ly deve­lo­ped as a ground for the umbrel­las. The ele­ments sha­ping the ground are a modern inter­pre­ta­ti­on of the ele­ments of Isla­mic gar­dens that are cha­rac­te­ristic of this regi­on. Forming the space, oran­ge trees are set in a dis­sol­ved grid in refe­rence to the fruit and oli­ve gar­dens sur­roun­ding Seville.

The deco­ra­ti­ve, geo­me­tric flo­o­ring is made of typi­cal local brick in iri­de­s­cent beige tones. The ele­ment of water comes into its own in the form of basins, cas­ca­des and gut­ters with its mul­ti­ple func­tions to impro­ve the urban cli­ma­te, as a deco­ra­ti­ve as well as playful moment.

Con­cept grid inspi­red by Sig­mar Polke’s art

© Smart & Green Design
Part of the com­pe­ti­ti­on rea­li­sed after 20 years (see hand-drawn sketch, squa­re plan­ting refer­ring to oli­ve gar­dens in the regi­on)

© Smart & Green Design

© Hol­cim Foun­da­ti­on for Sus­tainable Con­s­truc­tion
After 19 years, the umbrel­la struc­tures are illu­mi­na­ted with a light instal­la­ti­on, in the same place whe­re clim­bing plants in the colours of fla­men­co were desi­gned in the com­pe­ti­ti­on.

© Sig­mar Pol­ke

© Sig­mar Pol­ke

Not yet (!) rea­li­sed, simp­le, eco­no­mic­al con­cept deri­ved from local, his­to­ri­cal models for natu­ral coo­ling through eva­po­ra­ti­on in com­pe­ti­ti­on
