The dele­ga­ti­on of the Poz­nan City Conservator’s Office, tog­e­ther with the head of the Poz­nan City Archi­tec­tu­ral Office, coun­cil mem­bers and employees of the Office invol­ved in the deve­lo­p­ment of the E. Szyc Sta­di­um in Poz­nan as a com­pe­ti­ti­on jury, went on an excur­si­on to Ber­lin. Various recrea­tio­nal and sports are­as in Ber­lin were visi­ted under the gui­dance of Iza­be­la Mal­chow­s­­ka-Coqui. The­se included Gleis­drei­eck Park, the Süd­park area, as well as inten­si­ve and exten­si­ve natu­ral parks within the city. They also visi­ted Möckern­kiez, loca­ted at Gleis­drei­eck, with archi­tect Chris­toph Roe­dig. This excur­si­on gave the par­ti­ci­pan­ts the oppor­tu­ni­ty to visit various recrea­tio­nal and green are­as and gather inspi­ra­ti­on for the deve­lo­p­ment of the city of Poz­nan.


After more than two years of work on the deve­lo­p­ment of pilot stra­te­gies for the pro­mo­ti­on of green roofs, a sum­ma­ry and pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the pro­ject results was con­duc­ted. This pro­ject has con­tri­bu­ted to the deve­lo­p­ment of docu­ments that com­bi­ne in an inno­va­ti­ve way the objec­ti­ves of sus­tainable urban deve­lo­p­ment with cli­ma­te poli­cy objec­ti­ves, such as adapt­a­ti­on to cli­ma­te chan­ge and cli­ma­te chan­ge action. On Decem­ber 11, 2020, the final con­fe­rence of the GRAD pro­ject was held: Green Roofs as a Tool for Cli­ma­te Chan­ge Adapt­a­ti­on in Urban Are­as gathe­red a num­ber of peo­p­le inte­res­ted in a holi­stic approach to the deve­lo­p­ment of green roofs in cities.


The “GRAD” pro­ject aimed to adapt the expe­ri­ence of the City of Ham­burg in deve­lo­ping green roof stra­te­gies sin­ce 2014 to an exem­pla­ry stra­tegy struc­tu­re to Polish con­di­ti­ons. In coope­ra­ti­on with the City of Ham­burg and eight Polish pilot cities (Biel­s­­ko-Biała, Bydg­oszcz, Gdy­nia, Kalisz, Kraków, Lub­lin, Wars­za­wa and Wro­cław), the Sto­war­zy­sze­nie Gmin Pol­ska Sieć “Ener­gie Cités” imple­men­ted the pro­ject from 2018 to 2020. The con­fe­rence cover­ed topics such as water reten­ti­on, green roofs, stra­tegy and storm­wa­ter manage­ment. The aim of the pro­ject was to pro­mo­te green roofs and faca­des as a means of cli­ma­te adapt­a­ti­on in urban are­as, using the expe­ri­ence of Ham­burg. Indi­vi­du­al stra­te­gies for the men­tio­ned Polish cities were deve­lo­ped to sup­port the pro­mo­ti­on and imple­men­ta­ti­on of green roof pro­jects. The publi­ca­ti­on pro­vi­des details on various aspects such as types, bene­fits and cos­ts of green roofs, as well as on the deve­lo­p­ment of indi­vi­du­al tar­gets and mea­su­res to pro­mo­te and sup­port green roof pro­jects in Polish cities.


In coope­ra­ti­on with the local admi­nis­tra­ti­on and the Schloss­stra­ße manage­ment, we con­duc­ted work­shops to deve­lop the con­cept for the public space in the Schloss­stra­ße neigh­bor­hood. The pre­pa­ra­ti­on for the par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the fede­ral com­pe­ti­ti­on “Entente Flo­ra­le” included mea­su­res for envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion and natu­re con­ser­va­ti­on in popu­la­ted are­as, incre­asing the attrac­ti­ve­ness of the resi­den­ti­al and living envi­ron­ment, pro­mo­ting trade and com­mer­ce through diver­se and lively city cen­ters as well as civic enga­ge­ment and incre­asing the attrac­ti­ve­ness for tou­rists.  In the peri­od from May to Sep­tem­ber 2011, a total of 60 pro­jects were deve­lo­ped, inclu­ding con­s­truc­tion mea­su­res, civic enga­ge­ment, edu­ca­tio­nal events and public events that crea­ted part­ner col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons. The rea­liza­ti­on of the­se pro­jects cover­ed the peri­od from March to Octo­ber 2012, as well as repea­ted­ly in future years.


Within the frame­work of the II Regio­nal Con­fe­rence of EWE in the Lubusz regi­on, which deals with “Ener­gy Effi­ci­en­cy Solu­ti­ons for Pri­va­te House­holds”, our office par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the “Work­shop EWE” in Octo­ber 2011. In coope­ra­ti­on with the cli­ent EWE ener­gia sp. z o.o. and the Young Polish Inter­na­tio­nal Net­work (YPIN) we con­duc­ted expert pre­sen­ta­ti­ons on “Green Archi­tec­tu­re”. In Zie­lo­na Góra, Pol­and, we gave pre­sen­ta­ti­ons on various key topics. The­se included the chal­lenges of urban den­si­fi­ca­ti­on, effec­ti­ve storm­wa­ter manage­ment methods, and ener­gy con­ser­va­ti­on stra­te­gies. We also shed light on the con­cept of the “Plus Ener­gy House,” whe­re buil­dings pro­du­ce ener­gy ins­tead of just con­sum­ing it. During the work­shop, we shared inter­na­tio­nal expe­ri­en­ces and trans­fer­red fin­dings to the Polish con­text. We empha­si­zed poten­ti­als and solu­ti­ons for ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy and focu­sed on rea­li­stic approa­ches.


In 2008, tog­e­ther with our office in War­saw, we initia­ted an inter­na­tio­nal sym­po­si­um with the the­me “Public Space — Bar­ce­lo­na, Seville, Lyon, Kraków, Wars­za­wa — Stra­te­gies for an Euro­pean City”. The main objec­ti­ve of the event was to dis­cuss stra­te­gies and con­cepts for the design of public space in Euro­pean cities. For this pur­po­se, expe­ri­en­ces and examp­les from dif­fe­rent cities, inclu­ding Bar­ce­lo­na, Seville, Lyon, Kraków and War­saw, were pre­sen­ted and ana­ly­zed. The sym­po­si­um attrac­ted about 150 par­ti­ci­pan­ts and was held in coope­ra­ti­on with Poli­tech­ni­ka Wars­zaws­ka and IFBau Stutt­gart to pro­vi­de a broad per­spec­ti­ve and inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry exch­an­ge. A field trip on “Public Space in War­saw” was also orga­ni­zed as part of the sym­po­si­um to pro­vi­de par­ti­ci­pan­ts with prac­ti­cal insights into inno­va­ti­ve spa­ti­al design projects.The 2008 sym­po­si­um crea­ted a plat­form for pro­fes­sio­nal dia­lo­gue and know­ledge exch­an­ge, pro­vi­ding new impe­tus for the fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of public space in War­saw and other Euro­pean cities.


The office for land­scape archi­tec­tu­re Coqui Malachows­ka Coqui car­ri­ed out suc­cessful lob­by­ing for the IBA pro­ject “Park and Cul­tu­ral Pavi­li­on of the Thea­ter Island” in Gubin/Guben from IV to IX 2004. The work included a busi­ness trip with Dr. Man­fred Stol­pe to acqui­re natio­nal fun­ding, during which the pro­ject was pre­sen­ted to minis­ters. In addi­ti­on, the office pre­pared an exper­ti­se on fun­ding oppor­tu­ni­ties, inclu­ding EU and natio­nal fun­ding rese­arch as well as net­wor­king. A Mar­shall Con­fe­rence was pre­pared, orga­ni­zed and mode­ra­ted in coope­ra­ti­on with the city of Gubin and the mayor’s office to attract fur­ther natio­nal fun­ding. Final­ly, the office repre­sen­ted the pro­ject at the IX Inter­na­tio­nal Archi­tec­tu­re Bien­na­le in Venice, pro­vi­ding con­tent pre­pa­ra­ti­on, orga­niza­ti­on and pro­ject exhi­bi­ti­on, sup­port­ed by Zach­e­ta — Naro­do­wa Gale­ria Sztu­ki and the Gubin Mayor’s Office. Thanks to this exten­si­ve lob­by­ing, the IBA pro­ject “Park and Cul­tu­ral Pavi­li­on of the Thea­ter Island” in Gubin/Guben was suc­cessful­ly advan­ced and recei­ved the neces­sa­ry sup­port for rea­liza­ti­on.
