In Euro­pe, lar­ge housing deve­lo­p­ments have been evol­ving for deca­des. Stra­te­gies vary by time and place: from buil­ding insu­la­ti­on to living envi­ron­ment impro­ve­ments to urban rede­ve­lo­p­ment pro­grams. Yet the­se mea­su­res have not always led to the pre­ven­ti­on of resi­dent dis­pla­ce­ment and demo­li­ti­ons. After 2000, increased reflec­tion fol­lo­wed, also after sub­s­idy pro­grams. Are the­re simi­lar pro­ces­ses in Pol­and or is the struc­tu­re dif­fe­rent the­re?

Ger­ma­ny offers posi­ti­ve expe­ri­en­ces and reco­gni­zed mista­kes in moder­niza­ti­on con­cepts that are ins­truc­ti­ve in deal­ing with the struc­tu­ral heri­ta­ge of lar­ge housing estates.

Pol­and is home to the lar­gest pro­por­ti­on of Euro­pean resi­dents of lar­ge housing estates. After ener­gy-effi­ci­ent refur­bish­ment, fur­ther steps need to be taken. But which ones? What will deve­lop sus­tain­ab­ly in lar­ge housing estates in 10, 20 or 30 years?

Best stra­te­gies and pro­ce­du­res as well as dif­fe­ren­ces and com­pa­ra­bi­li­ties bet­ween count­ries are of inte­rest. Which deve­lo­p­ments can be imple­men­ted in the Polish mar­ket? What can the West learn from Pol­and?
