Berlin award for water-sensitive planning Our project for the water-sensitive conversion of the schoolyard of the St. Ursula primary school in Berlin Zehlendorf was awarded as winner of the REGENIAL! sponge city competition organised by the Regenwasseragentur Berlin. It was emphasised that, despite a low budget, it was possible to achieve large-scale unsealing, a near-natural design and to use all the rainwater on site instead of discharging it into the sewage system.We are very happy about the award and the increasing attention on the topic of the sponge city!
Implementation of green roofs in Warsaw Izabela Malachowska-Coqui talks about efforts to green cities, particularly in Hamburg, Berlin and Poland. In Hamburg, a war bunker is being transformed into a green oasis, while in Berlin, every flat roof is to be completely greened by 2024. Similar projects can also be found in Poland. Green carpets on the roofs of bus stops in Warsaw clean the air, store rainwater and improve humidity.

Office building Landsbergerallee 52 A vacant cinema with several halls was transformed into a terraced office building, into which the Jobcenter Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg is now moving.

Children- and Youth The construction works for the 2nd building phase are moving forward.The bridge with the terrace is almost completed

In May 2023, the residential quarter on Gaillardstraße in Berlin will be completed, opening up a world of multi-faceted spring experiences for residents. From blooming gardens and green terraces to a colorful children’s playground, the open space offers a wealth of opportunities to enjoy spring in all its diversity. The residential quarter creates an inspiring environment to fully experience the awakening of nature and the positive energies of spring.

Jury members of the Stadion Szyca competition draw inspiration from Berlin’s open spaces The delegation of the Poznan City Conservator’s Office, together with the head of the Poznan City Architectural Office, council members and employees of the Office involved in the development of the E. Szyc Stadium in Poznan as a competition jury, went on an excursion to Berlin. Various recreational and sports areas in Berlin were visited under the guidance of Izabela Malchowska-Coqui. These included Gleisdreieck Park, the Südpark area, as well as intensive and extensive natural parks within the city. They also visited Möckernkiez, located at Gleisdreieck, with architect Christoph Roedig. This excursion gave the participants the opportunity to visit various recreational and green areas and gather inspiration for the development of the city of Poznan.