
© ioo Elwardt + Lat­ter­mann


Green waves from the Spree

Pro­per­ty: Ber­lin – Char­lot­ten­burg
Archi­tects: IOO Archi­tek­ten
Cli­ent: Cen­Sar Guten­berg­stra­ße GmbH Vor­stel­lung
Pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the idea con­cept: Spring 2020
End: expec­ted ear­ly 2026
Sta­tus: Buil­ding appli­ca­ti­ons sub­mit­ted

Embedded in this land­scape of waves are the axi­al paths around the office buil­ding, which lead to the Spree, as well as the adjoi­ning squa­res and ter­races for semi-public events and ever­y­day office life. The hil­ly land­scape design con­ti­nues in the pri­va­te and com­mu­nal rooms around the social housing buil­ding and the Spree­bo­gen resi­den­ti­al tower, the design of which sei­zes on the design lan­guage of the roun­ded poly­go­nal archi­tec­tu­re and thus allows the open space to beco­me part of the archi­tec­tu­ral who­le.

© ioo Elwardt + Lat­ter­mann

© ioo Elwardt + Lat­ter­mann

© ioo Elwardt + Lat­ter­mann

This con­s­truc­tion pro­ject is divi­ded into three parts: Part 1 – office buil­ding, Part 2 – high-qua­li­ty con­do­mi­ni­ums in a 9‑storey resi­den­ti­al tower, Part 3 – resi­den­ti­al buil­ding with social housing. The out­door faci­li­ties of the office buil­ding belong to the over­all pro­ject, which also includes the resi­den­ti­al buil­ding atta­ched to it to the north-west and the resi­den­ti­al tower to the north-west. The design of the over­all open spaces of the­se three pro­jects is entit­led “Green Waves from the Spree”. Like the waves of the Spree, the slight­ly cur­ved, green are­as with their hedges and tree lines on the buil­dings in Han­nah-Kar­min­ski and Guten­berg­stras­se.
