Like a tree plan­ted by the water

Loca­ti­on: Grün­hei­de, Ger­ma­ny
Plan­ning: I BA 2015–2017, II BA 2021–2023
Pro­ject Pha­ses: HOAI 1–9
Com­mis­si­on: Arch­bi­shop­ric Ordi­na­ria­te, Dio­ce­se of Ber­lin
Con­s­truc­tion cos­ts: 780.114,00 €
Area: 13.465,00 m²
Sta­tus: zrea­lizowa­ny

The pro­ject is a con­cep­ti­on deve­lo­ped out of the con­text and inte­gra­ting the exis­ting buil­dings, which lives from the poten­ti­al of the site. To a lar­ge ext­ent exis­ting mate­ri­als are reu­sed or fur­ther deve­lo­ped. In the future, this strong frame­work will offer a varie­ty of pos­si­bi­li­ties for addi­ti­ons and chan­ges to exis­ting func­tions. It offers gre­at fle­xi­bi­li­ty for fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment while main­tai­ning the iden­ti­ty- crea­ting, over­all con­cept.

Link to video

The open spaces clo­se to the buil­ding, with their archi­tec­tu­ral cha­rac­ter, are the ent­rance, the piaz­za with sea­ting and sta­ir land­scape, and the Mari­en­gar­ten:
The piaz­za will be fur­ther deve­lo­ped into a loo­se tree-cover­ed squa­re. On the west side of the Chris­ti­an Schrei­ber House, the exis­ting stair­ca­se will be trans­for­med into a sea­ting and sta­ir land­scape with shrub soli­taires and a water stair­ca­se, and thus into a new high­light of the com­plex facing the lake­front. The Mari­en­gar­ten will be recrea­ted as a green, clois­ter-like cour­ty­ard. The archi­tec­tu­re of the per­go­la is deri­ved from the cha­pel archi­tec­tu­re. The main ent­rance on the field path is trans­for­med into a repre­sen­ta­ti­ve recep­ti­on area with few for­mal means (low hedges). All spaces are desi­gned with uni­form mate­ri­als (yel­low clin­ker, con­cre­te walls, light-colo­red sea­ting).

The green lawn facing Lui­sen­stra­ße, the front sur­roun­dings of the house and the eco­no­mic are­as around the new­ly crea­ted Mari­en-Gar­ten are orde­red and recei­ve a com­mon green frame through the sur­roun­ding hedge. The heart of the com­plex is the green tree hall with piaz­za and green lawn. Here, func­tion­al impro­ve­ments such as the instal­la­ti­on of ground slee­ves for play as well as sun pro­tec­tion increase the expe­ri­ence value. At the edge, seve­ral round green the­med islands (e.g. bake­house, fra­grance gar­den, St. Fran­cis cross) are embedded in the green frame, whe­re the are­as of pas­to­ral care, edu­ca­ti­on and lei­su­re come to the fore. The rela­ti­onship to the lake and neigh­bor­hood in the dis­trict is estab­lished through lar­ge win­dows in the hedge frame at the ent­rance, the con­nec­tion to the lake pro­per­ty and at the sou­thern exten­si­on to the pas­tu­re. In the front area of the buil­ding and in the sur­roun­dings around the Mari­en­gar­ten, the exis­ting uses are spa­ti­al­ly opti­mi­zed, but abo­ve all, working are­as are sepa­ra­ted from repre­sen­ta­ti­ve open spaces and tho­se inten­ded for recrea­ti­on. Indi­vi­du­al new plan­tings enrich the­se open spaces.

To the south, the St. Mary’s Gar­den at the cha­pel, the alter­na­ting wil­low and the fruit cor­ner ter­mi­na­ting to the south are visual­ly con­nec­ted by gene­rous spa­ti­al open­ness.
The exis­ting beau­tiful groups of trees in the sou­thern plot are com­ple­men­ted by a group of fruit trees and num­e­rous fruit bus­hes and enri­ched by embedded uses
The open­ness of the lar­ge mea­dow, which cha­rac­te­ri­zes the lake­si­de pro­per­ty, is to be pre­ser­ved and thus the green sports field and the play land­scapes are posi­tio­ned at the edges. When it comes to play, the empha­sis is on the imme­dia­te expe­ri­ence of natu­re and com­mu­nal tog­e­ther­ness. This is expres­sed both in the play are­as desi­gned for dif­fe­rent group sizes and the near-natu­ral, to some ext­ent “wil­der­ness-like” design.


1. To appro­pria­te­ly design the ent­rance area of the house from the field path in kee­ping with the func­tion of the house as the “flag­ship” of the Arch­dio­ce­se.

2.To streng­then the con­nec­tion of the piaz­za and the main house with the lake pro­per­ty through spa­ti­al vis­tas, a wider path and a com­mon frame design.

3. to deve­lop the sou­thern area, start­ing from the ele­va­ted ter­race of the cha­pel, as a spa­ti­al sequence of indi­vi­du­al spaces (Mary’s gar­den, chan­ging wil­low, fruit cor­ner) on the one hand, but also con­nec­ted to each other by visu­al con­nec­tions.
