

Win­dow to the city and land­scape

Loca­ti­on: Ber­lin Alt-Trep­tow
: Archi­gon Pro­jekt­ent­wick­lung und Bau­be­treu­ung GmbH
Year: 2020
Ser­vice pha­ses: Pre­pa­ra­ti­on and Brief, Con­cept Design, Deve­lo­ped Design, Tech­ni­cal Design, Con­s­truc­tion (HOAI 1–8)
Area: 3.980 m² in total, 3.100 m² of it inten­si­ve green roof (under­ground car park)
Arci­tec­tu­re: HKA Hastrich Keu­tha­ge Archi­tek­ten
Awards: FIAB­CI Prix d’Ex­cel­lence Ger­ma­ny 2020, SIL­VER in the cate­go­ry “Housing”

Five dif­fe­rent gar­dens meet the requi­re­ments of indi­vi­du­al needs and offer fur­ther diver­se pos­si­ble uses in the neigh­bou­ring cour­ty­ards. This way, ever­yo­ne can find the gar­den cha­rac­ter that suits them in terms of design and atmo­sphe­re.

A uni­form net­work of paths made of light-colou­red con­cre­te blocks runs through all the gar­dens and gives them a cheerful cha­rac­ter through its reflec­tion of light. At sui­ta­ble points, the net­work of paths widens to form inlaid are­as that mark the cen­tres of the gar­dens. This crea­tes com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on space for com­mu­ni­ty-buil­ding acti­vi­ties. All gar­dens have a com­mon green frame. Year-round attrac­ti­ve “four-sea­son shrubs” form trans­lu­cent green islands. Through their trans­pa­rent leaf struc­tures they find a balan­ce bet­ween shiel­ding the area from view from the flats and allo­wing enough light and sun to pass through to draw alter­na­ting light pat­terns in the gar­dens.
