© Eike Becker_Architekten


More than an office

Loca­ti­on: Ber­lin-Fried­richs­hain
Cli­ent : Cen­Sar East-Sta­ti­on I GmbH & Co. KG & Cen­Sar East-Sta­ti­on II GmbH & Co. KG
Year: 2023
Ser­vice pha­ses: Pre­pa­ra­ti­on and Brief, Con­cept Design, Deve­lo­ped Design (HOAI 1–4)
Archi­tec­tu­re: Eike Becker_Architekten
Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on: Plan­ned DGNB Pla­ti­num

The goal of the building’s open space design is to com­ple­ment the­se public street, places and green spaces with cor­re­spon­ding pri­va­te, semi-public and public spaces within the buil­ding and on the roofs. From a social point of view, the open spaces on the first flo­or open up through public offers to the sur­roun­ding street spaces (café, bis­tro, etc.), as well as the gene­rous­ly acces­si­ble foy­er on the ground flo­or offer a gre­at deal of the room for maneu­ver due to ist high mul­ti­func­tion­a­li­ty. On the 7th flo­or, the roof ter­races com­ple­ted with exten­si­ve woo­den plat­forms, the Sky­walk and cover­ed are­as (fit­ness, workspace, etc.) com­ple­te the ran­ge of uses in all wea­ther con­di­ti­ons.

© Plomp / Eike Becker_Architekten

Final­ly, on the 13th flo­or, the buil­ding offers a social mee­ting place with the sky­lounge as the “crown” of the buil­ding, being the social mee­ting place that estab­lishes a local iden­ti­ty through its visu­al con­nec­tions on all sides. The­se exten­si­ve public offe­rings for social life are com­ple­men­ted by exten­si­ve semi-public and pri­va­te offe­rings for users of the office buil­ding. Abo­ve all, the num­e­rous green bal­co­nies in all direc­tions and on many flo­ors should be men­tio­ned here, on which space for short or lon­ger breaks is available.
As a com­mu­ni­ty mee­ting place, the inner cour­ty­ard, the green heart of the buil­ding, com­ple­ments the diver­si­ty of open spaces, which are known abo­ve all by a rich varie­ty of plants.

© pro­loog / Eike Becker_Architekten

© Eike Becker_Architekten

© Eike Becker_Architekten
