The fourth ses­si­on of the War­saw Archi­tec­tu­re Talks focu­sed on the Polish ren­tal housing mar­ket and the intro­duc­tion of a ren­tal housing fund by the Polish govern­ment. It was dis­cus­sed how afforda­ble and high qua­li­ty archi­tec­tu­re can be rea­li­zed in ren­tal housing and which social and archi­tec­tu­ral aspects are important. The importance of soci­al­ly mixed neigh­bor­hoods and the role of urban gar­dens in urban deve­lo­p­ment were also addres­sed. SARP Oddział Wars­zaw­ski was a part­ner of the event, sup­port­ed by Fund­ac­ja Współpra­cy Pol­sko-Nie­mieckiej, PUC­ZYŃ­SKI — mała archi­tek­tu­ra and RINN. ARCHI­TEK­TU­RA-MURA­TOR acted as a media part­ner. The spea­k­ers at this con­fe­rence were Andrzej Klimc­zuk (socio­lo­gist, War­saw), Tomasz Fuda­la (Muze­um Sztu­ki Nowo­c­zes­nej, War­saw), Rai­ner Hof­mann (bogevischs bue­ro, Munich), Susan­ne Schnor­busch (archi­tect, Ber­lin), Dr. Micha­el Lud­wig (City Coun­cil­lor for Housing, Housing Con­s­truc­tion and Urban Rene­wal, Vien­na) and Chris­toph Roe­dig (roe­dig. schop archi­tek­ten, Ber­lin).

Venue: Pavi­li­on SARP (Asso­cia­ti­on of Polish Archi­tects), ul. Fok­sal 2, War­saw
Num­ber of par­ti­ci­pan­ts: 110
Date: 28.11.2014
