

Back­nang West for the IBA 2027

Loca­ti­on: Back­nang, Ger­ma­ny
Cli­ent: IBA 2027 Stadt­Re­gi­on Stutt­gart / City of Back­nang
Com­pe­ti­ti­on: 2nd pha­se (24 par­ti­ci­pan­ts)
Year: 2020
Area: 16,7 ha
Archi­tec­tu­re: ANA­LOG PLUS, yel­low z
Coope­ra­ti­on: Ste­te­Pla­nung, Darm­stadt (traf­fic plan­ning), Inge­nieur­ge­sell­schaft Prof. Dr. Sie­ker, Ber­lin (rain­wa­ter manage­ment)

The “Quar­tier Back­nang West” is loca­ted in a form­er­ly indus­tri­al­ly used area in the city of Back­nang in the nor­the­ast of the Stutt­gart urban regi­on. First of all, the design links the his­to­ri­cal city cent­re with its out­skirts, new deve­lo­p­ments: Back­nang West and „Obe­re Wal­ke“. It seeks for the com­ple­men­ta­ri­ty of dif­fe­rent parts which only tog­e­ther are able to crea­te a hig­her form of life/balanced form of living.

The new artery of such a body, cal­led the pro­duc­ti­ve rou­te, will not only link new seg­ments to the car­dio­vas­cu­lar sys­tem but also will allow the city to con­stant­ly pul­sa­te life through it. The bro­ken line, which attracts nowa­days and future city-making func­tions such as new and clean pro­duc­tion, con­nects the den­se city cent­re with vast gree­n­ery on both wings. Moreo­ver, geo­me­tri­cal shapes of the pro­po­sed pro­duc­ti­ve rou­te cor­re­spond with a cur­ved river­bed of Murr adja­cent to natu­ral land­scape and its sys­tem of green paths and parks. The­se two heli­xes inter­wea­ve in mutu­al coope­ra­ti­on to crea­te a city gene­tic code, the DNA of Back­nang.
