The office for land­scape archi­tec­tu­re Coqui Malachows­ka Coqui car­ri­ed out suc­cessful lob­by­ing for the IBA pro­ject “Park and Cul­tu­ral Pavi­li­on of the Thea­ter Island” in Gubin/Guben from IV to IX 2004. The work included a busi­ness trip with Dr. Man­fred Stol­pe to acqui­re natio­nal fun­ding, during which the pro­ject was pre­sen­ted to minis­ters. In addi­ti­on, the office pre­pared an exper­ti­se on fun­ding oppor­tu­ni­ties, inclu­ding EU and natio­nal fun­ding rese­arch as well as net­wor­king. A Mar­shall Con­fe­rence was pre­pared, orga­ni­zed and mode­ra­ted in coope­ra­ti­on with the city of Gubin and the mayor’s office to attract fur­ther natio­nal fun­ding. Final­ly, the office repre­sen­ted the pro­ject at the IX Inter­na­tio­nal Archi­tec­tu­re Bien­na­le in Venice, pro­vi­ding con­tent pre­pa­ra­ti­on, orga­niza­ti­on and pro­ject exhi­bi­ti­on, sup­port­ed by Zach­e­ta — Naro­do­wa Gale­ria Sztu­ki and the Gubin Mayor’s Office. Thanks to this exten­si­ve lob­by­ing, the IBA pro­ject “Park and Cul­tu­ral Pavi­li­on of the Thea­ter Island” in Gubin/Guben was suc­cessful­ly advan­ced and recei­ved the neces­sa­ry sup­port for rea­liza­ti­on.
