Gar­den dreams

Loca­ti­on: Ber­lin-Gru­ne­wald
Cli­ent: pri­va­te
Archi­tects: unknown
Area: 1.200 m²
Year: 2019
Sta­tus: direct order, in deve­lo­p­ment

In the design of the Wil­hel­mi­ni­an style house, a clo­se con­nec­tion was estab­lished bet­ween the inter­nal lay­out of the rooms and the exter­nal faca­de. This con­nec­tion is also reflec­ted in the gar­den design, whe­re the gar­den was divi­ded into well-pro­por­tio­ned are­as that cor­re­spond to the inte­ri­or spaces of the house. This results in a varied arran­ge­ment of inter­con­nec­ted gar­den spaces around the house. The­se spaces, inclu­ding the ent­ry­way, art gar­den, sun ter­race, magno­lia room, orchard, blue gar­den path, gar­den salon, and roof gar­den, offer a varie­ty of uses. The open and semi-open tran­si­ti­ons bet­ween the indi­vi­du­al gar­den are­as crea­te spa­ti­al depth and enable a holi­stic expe­ri­ence of the enti­re gar­den.

Green room diver­si­ty

Just like the rooms of the house insi­de, par­ti­al rooms are crea­ted in the gar­den. The­se have indi­vi­du­al shapes, qua­li­ties and colors depen­ding on their use and allo­ca­ti­on, but are also coor­di­na­ted with the house in an over­ar­ching color and mate­ri­al con­cept to form a lar­ge who­le.

Visu­al spaces

The gar­den spaces and their cen­tral con­tents can be expe­ri­en­ced from the rooms of the house, which thus qua­li­ta­tively extend into the gar­den. In the gar­den, visu­al rela­ti­onships are crea­ted bet­ween the gar­den rooms, thus exten­ding the gar­den within the gar­den as well as into the neigh­bor­hood. In this way, the gar­den expands into ever new, fur­ther rooms.
